Oooo October

Photos from Whatsapp and my BB. Manjun was bored... hahahahaha. I love my ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE group :') Manjun visited me at work ^_^ And then took a photo like a stalker wtf. Jingyi and James came to visit too~ I feel like an exhibit. This is me in my natural environment. Went shopping at Art Friend :] Made and delivered bento on Friday to his workplace!!! My onigiri making skills have improved. FRIED FISH SKINNNNNN I couldn't stop eating at work on Sat. My lunch at work~ Cute chocolate!!!! Had dim sum. It was good. :D Originally wanted to eat prata but got distracted by the advertisement put up by the dim sum shop. NO REGRETS EVEN THOUGH I SPENT ALL MY MONEY. I LAAAVVVV CUSTARD PAU. Livia gave me these on Saturday. :') The beer is so I can eat it with fried chicken. (Had hite beer the other time while eating Two Two Chicken in Korea) SWEET ANOT!?!!??!?! BEST CHINGU AWARD!!!!!!! Happy Hallowe...