
Showing posts from November, 2016


I hate changes, or more specifically, I hate being out of my comfort zone. It's a miracle (and blessing) I like to travel. This past 1-2 years has been so full of changes I am still struggling to catch up. I've changed jobs again (yay). I honestly thought 2015 was shitty but 2016 turned out worse (not because of the world news I am not that far sighted). I lost a friend who died by suicide. And I feel so selfish (because really, it's for my comfort) saying this but I miss her so much. We started work at my previous company on the same day, and I saw her, this young looking girl also at the office, and I remember saying to myself "Omg is she also a designer? I must do better than her." But nah she turned out to be in the marketing team and also one of the best colleagues ever. The year before I lost an acquaintance, also to suicide. We weren't close but we saw each other a few times after graduating, mostly at parties. His funeral was the 4th I'd atte