
Showing posts from August, 2013


This is what my life is going to be like, isn't it? I'm that fat lady in Avicii/Nicky Romero music video. Except without the party dreams and I hope I don't get hit by a car. Meh feel so depressed after watching Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. It was so cheesy it made me reflect on my life. On an another note the teenager in me really enjoyed the movie because hello, Nathan from Misfits, Caius of Twilight and a really hot bisexual Asian guy is in the movie!!! Anyway it just made me realise fantasy is just fantasy and however badly I want it, magic doesn't exist and real life sucks. Cassandra Clare just named the humans appropriately, "Mundane". Office life is killing me but if I leave that'll be like the fourth job I've left this year the first three being Gong Cha, Symmetry and my first office job that cannot be named because they like suing people. I need a non-office job that doesn't require me to work weekends does anyone have any su

Lola's Cafe and other stuff

TIME FOR MY MONTHLY BLOG POST LOL I recently came back from a 3D2N holiday in Melaka with LRY. So that's another post I need to cover.  And Batam trip. And Dennis's epic birthday party. But for now I'm damn sleepy and I'm meeting Livia in 9 hours to watch The Conjuring T_T (By the by I have no idea what type of a blog I own. It's definitely not a fashion blog wtf. Neither is it a food blog because I mostly eat rubbish like instant noodles and leftovers wtf. It's not a lifestyle blog either??? I have the impression lifestyle blogs are very cool one. Aiya I'll be the average blogger with (I'd like to think) above average photos.) July/August has been happening!!!!!!! THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT. I am master of summarisation. There is no such word. Shoutout to Livia's instagram @LIVIAbracadabra  FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK. Tons of food photos. And FOLLOW SO I DON'T HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! So glad I made her an Insta account cuz I'm re