
Showing posts from July, 2015

1069 calories

I was happily munching on some fruit chips (banana, jackfruit, taro, pumpkin, pineapple) from Laos and of course I had to read the nutritional facts (I always read those) on the back of the package. 1069 calories per serving. 1 serving = 200 grams.The entire bag of chips weigh 200 grams. At this point I had to inform my colleagues who were all unruffled by this and I'm just like WHY IS IT SO HIGH IN CALORIES OH GOD. Usually I try not to count calories because it's not useful to me but I am trying not to overeat so I read it and calculate but for snacks only. Er. But anyway I got to thinking; in the grand scheme of things (whatever it is), will anything matter? If nothing matters in the future then why does it matter now? And so I continued eating the chips. And I'll try not to finish all 200 grams of it if only to make myself feel better.