Oooo October

Photos from Whatsapp and my BB.

Manjun was bored... hahahahaha.

I love my ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE group :')

Manjun visited me at work ^_^ And then took a photo like a stalker wtf.

Jingyi and James came to visit too~ I feel like an exhibit. 
This is me in my natural environment.

Went shopping at Art Friend :]

Made and delivered bento on Friday to his workplace!!! My onigiri making skills have improved.

FRIED FISH SKINNNNNN I couldn't stop eating at work on Sat.

My lunch at work~ 

Cute chocolate!!!!

Had dim sum. It was good. :D Originally wanted to eat prata but got distracted  by the advertisement put up by the dim sum shop. NO REGRETS EVEN THOUGH I SPENT ALL MY MONEY. I LAAAVVVV CUSTARD PAU.

Livia gave me these on Saturday. :') The beer is so I can eat it with fried chicken. (Had hite beer the other time while eating Two Two Chicken in Korea)

Happy Halloween y'all.

A lot of times I will visit the fridge and eat random things. On Monday I ate bubble gum flavoured kit kat. It was nice. :D

Anyway photos done time to blog please bear with my dates. Blogging past midnight has a lot of consequences. My sense of time is terribly warped.  Woke up on Sunday to be greeted by my period. :C Felt like shit the entire day thanks a lot hormones. Felt TONS better after I ate dim sum. Food makes everything better. Please eat while on your period.

Spent the night before I went home watching Mr Bean, playing iPhone games (CRAZY TAXI AND TAP TAP) and talking and doing stupid things. I think I napped and sleep talked about penguins. 

Week 8 hath begun and whoa it's already Wednesday and the last day of October. $0 so far from IBP. I'm wondering if I've made the right choice (financially). But I'm happy with my Inspre team (pronounced in-spray) so ALL'S GOOD.

Anyway before the work started piling up we were messing around in Klix studio and taking photos lol I think this was last Thursday. 

There are many photos of me because Amira doesn't want to show her beautiful face to the world AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.

Hello this is Amira!!!!!!

THIS IS AMIRA AGAIN LOOK AT HER  PRETTY JAMBUL!!!!! (obligatory link to his portfolio)

The Damn Pillows HAHAHA.


The umbrella.

We are the Damn Pillows.

I have work to do everyday!!! And my drawer is sort of stocked up with some cookies I NEED MOAR but my pay from GongCha isn't in booooo. I hope my lens doesn't rot again I haven't had the chance to use it. Can't wait for the next public holiday already my life is so routine.

I've been reading stuff from Cracked.Com and I think everyone should too. Also, read about Ikaria: The Island Where People Forget To Die and Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker. I'm gonna continue reading about serial killers and I hope I don't get nightmares byebye.


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