July is ending wtf

Hi yet another week has passed! I feel like death because I have not been getting enough sleep and I feel like stabbing myself for not doing work and blogging but I need to blog!!! I don't want to forget!!! What I have been up to: Meeting deadlines and killing myself by volunteering to do work and eating!!! So glad I got most of my presentations over!!! Now all left with the final assignments and that's it for my schooling life in Ngee Ann. Mopey Mondays not worth mentioning.......and Tuesdays! Lecture days are always good because of food and Converse Gang and the rest of the girls hahahaa. Weilin bought Twelve Cupcakes for us ♥♥♥ AND SHE BOUGHT LYCHEE MARTINI SPECIALLY FOR ME :') Because I was craving for lychee martini wtf I r alcoholic. Noms noms love this. Dinner before Preschi presentation~ Wednesday was our last tutorial with Mr Ashraf. And also here's Brandon poshin' it up lolol. Rare class photo wtf. After school was ...