Happy new year!
Happy new year!!!!!!!!! :D
You see I'm so happy now because I went to read QQ and Cheesie's blog posts and they're all so happy and I'm looking at photos of my bao beis so I really can't help but be happy!?!?!?! :D:D:D:D:D:D
I am not done with 2013!!! Still have Wuhan and Shaun's yacht party!!!
But first let me show you who turned 21 this year! The first to do so!!! CONGRATULATIONS YANHONG!!!
Hahaha so cutie you manatee! Thank you for having us over and feeding us with such good food!
The entire room was neon yellow...so the lighting of all the pictures...are really yellow. Below are photos from my dslr and phone! I tried my best to post them in chronological order. If you are very free, please search Instagram for the hashtag #YH21st to view more photos by all of us :D
Happy new year!!!!!!!!! :D
You see I'm so happy now because I went to read QQ and Cheesie's blog posts and they're all so happy and I'm looking at photos of my bao beis so I really can't help but be happy!?!?!?! :D:D:D:D:D:D
I am not done with 2013!!! Still have Wuhan and Shaun's yacht party!!!
But first let me show you who turned 21 this year! The first to do so!!! CONGRATULATIONS YANHONG!!!
Hahaha so cutie you manatee! Thank you for having us over and feeding us with such good food!
The entire room was neon yellow...so the lighting of all the pictures...are really yellow. Below are photos from my dslr and phone! I tried my best to post them in chronological order. If you are very free, please search Instagram for the hashtag #YH21st to view more photos by all of us :D
Compulsory photo of the bed area cuz hipster.
Birthday girl with the ever lovely Tania~
Delicious food~~~
My cutie friends~
I love this photo because everyone was laughing!!!

Bo jio again!!
Min deco that Manjun did hahaha IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HUGE ASS BOARD but yeah.
First cake!!!
All the hipster edits because the theme was modern hippie witchcraft tumblr???
This was the second cake that Yanhong's parents bought. Whee. We sang her three songs in total. (English, Chinese and Korean)
Headed to the lobby to do unwrapping!!! :D
Manjun drove us to MBS and we played with sparklers!!!!!!!!!!! So fun!!!
Group photos I stole hehe:
From Manjun
From Livia
Dearest Converse Gang :')
It was a fun fun fun Saturday night. It's always good to spend quality time with those who matter most. There are still photos from my phone is still being slowly uploaded to dropbox... but I think these are enough :D Cannot express how thankful I am for all these people. I hope you had a good time Yanhong!!! Happy (belated) birthday once more whee!!!
Anyway mini updates! I inherited (bought) RY's old iPhone 4S which is in mint condition and within 24 hours of owning it, I have managed to make it look really old and battered. :( Eh well. I also visited the S.E.A Aquarium on the first Sunday of the year!!! Yay~ It was quite underwhelming... but yay fish!!!
Everyone's turning/turned 21 this year I am so happy I don't even know why haha here's to a smooth transition to a new phase of our lives! This is the year 93'ers can watch The Wolf on Wall Street legally! That's all actually so anti-climax ya but I'll save the feels about turning 21 for when I actually turn 21.