1 week in Wuhan
Hi so I basically spent the last week of the holidays in Wuhan with Livia and Weilin :) It was a good trip because we got to eat and shop and eat and shop in amazingly cold weather (I FEEL KINDA BETRAYED BECAUSE LIVIA AND WEILIN DIDN'T LIKE THE WEATHER T_T)
It's also sort of my first trip overseas without any adult supervision!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I'm 19 but still!!!!!!!!! So glad I had the company of these two girls :')
I don't really remember what happened on what day exactly cuz I didn't take photos everyday but the photos are in chronological order so shouldn't be a problem~
Flew Tiger Airways to GuangZhou~ Rather pleasant because we were seated next to the emergency exits!!! MOAR LEG ROOM WOOHOOO!!! Anyway arrived at Bai Yun Airport and spent 230+ RMB on cab fare to Guang Zhou South Train Station to catch our train to Wuhan~ The weather was lovely cold~

Finally reached our dorm!!!!!!!! :D Felt good to be back man. No need for aircon at all cuz the weather was lovely. MA LA MIAN FOR DINNER ZOMGGGG slurps. Went around saying hi lol and discovered the people at the waffle shop were gone?!??! They went on holiday and only returned the day before we left -_- AND THEY STOPPED SELLING DAN ZAI WTF. I forgot why. Also found out the Mu Zi guy left Mu Zi and went to Jia Qi instead so we have to call him the Jia Qi guy now. Would have gotten him to dye our hair on the last day but he went to get married MEH. THE TIMING. REALLY. Anyway got the next best thing which is him cutting our hair lol.
Shou Yi Yuan on the first morning for Tang Bao!!!
Very pretty shopping centre but boring....found a lovely clutch retailing at 304 RMB -_______-
Had brunch at this soup restaurant which serves damn nice soup askjdhajksfhad and softest steamed egg and the weird glutinous rice with pork rib thing.
WENT TO JIANG HAN LU ON THE THIRD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did our nails at 60 RMB I LOVE CHINA!!! Anyway here's a super cute dog~~~ hehe.
Had tie ban fei niu for brunch~~~
Headed to the East Lake but all around were touristy spots requiring tickets for entrance to the sakura garden (sakura in china wow) meh decided to take a cab to some other shopping centre Guang Gu Tian Di cuz the last time we were there it wasn't completed lol. ~boring~
I think Livia fell sick on this day :( So ke lian hais. And now Weilin's also feverish. GET WELL SOON YOU GUYS.
The only thing good about GGTD is WIFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At this donut place called Best Bites.
Here's a pretty photo of Weilin and her shopping :D
THE BEST EGG TARTS IN THE WORLD FROM CROWN BAKERY, GUANG GU. I just finished the last six. :( I want more egg tarts.
Livia and I dyed our hair (Livia reddish brown mine just brown) on the last day lurrveee it even though the people were like "wtf you bleached your hair before o noes there r sum yellow patches nvm let's redye" and nao my hair is like shit but iz okay I still love Wuhan.
I bought a film camera for 36 RMB lol on my second roll of film because the first one jammed and I had to develop it after 9 photos wtf -_- Will post the photos when I feel less lazy and photos of what I bought~ Mostly shoes, instant noodles, pens and clothes. I miss Wuhan already.
It's also sort of my first trip overseas without any adult supervision!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I'm 19 but still!!!!!!!!! So glad I had the company of these two girls :')
I don't really remember what happened on what day exactly cuz I didn't take photos everyday but the photos are in chronological order so shouldn't be a problem~
Flew Tiger Airways to GuangZhou~ Rather pleasant because we were seated next to the emergency exits!!! MOAR LEG ROOM WOOHOOO!!! Anyway arrived at Bai Yun Airport and spent 230+ RMB on cab fare to Guang Zhou South Train Station to catch our train to Wuhan~ The weather was lovely cold~

Finally reached our dorm!!!!!!!! :D Felt good to be back man. No need for aircon at all cuz the weather was lovely. MA LA MIAN FOR DINNER ZOMGGGG slurps. Went around saying hi lol and discovered the people at the waffle shop were gone?!??! They went on holiday and only returned the day before we left -_- AND THEY STOPPED SELLING DAN ZAI WTF. I forgot why. Also found out the Mu Zi guy left Mu Zi and went to Jia Qi instead so we have to call him the Jia Qi guy now. Would have gotten him to dye our hair on the last day but he went to get married MEH. THE TIMING. REALLY. Anyway got the next best thing which is him cutting our hair lol.
Shou Yi Yuan on the first morning for Tang Bao!!!
Very pretty shopping centre but boring....found a lovely clutch retailing at 304 RMB -_______-
Had brunch at this soup restaurant which serves damn nice soup askjdhajksfhad and softest steamed egg and the weird glutinous rice with pork rib thing.
WENT TO JIANG HAN LU ON THE THIRD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did our nails at 60 RMB I LOVE CHINA!!! Anyway here's a super cute dog~~~ hehe.
Had tie ban fei niu for brunch~~~
Headed to the East Lake but all around were touristy spots requiring tickets for entrance to the sakura garden (sakura in china wow) meh decided to take a cab to some other shopping centre Guang Gu Tian Di cuz the last time we were there it wasn't completed lol. ~boring~
I think Livia fell sick on this day :( So ke lian hais. And now Weilin's also feverish. GET WELL SOON YOU GUYS.
The only thing good about GGTD is WIFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At this donut place called Best Bites.
Here's a pretty photo of Weilin and her shopping :D
THE BEST EGG TARTS IN THE WORLD FROM CROWN BAKERY, GUANG GU. I just finished the last six. :( I want more egg tarts.
Livia and I dyed our hair (Livia reddish brown mine just brown) on the last day lurrveee it even though the people were like "wtf you bleached your hair before o noes there r sum yellow patches nvm let's redye" and nao my hair is like shit but iz okay I still love Wuhan.
I bought a film camera for 36 RMB lol on my second roll of film because the first one jammed and I had to develop it after 9 photos wtf -_- Will post the photos when I feel less lazy and photos of what I bought~ Mostly shoes, instant noodles, pens and clothes. I miss Wuhan already.