1 week in Wuhan

Hi so I basically spent the last week of the holidays in Wuhan with Livia and Weilin :) It was a good trip because we got to eat and shop and eat and shop in amazingly cold weather (I FEEL KINDA BETRAYED BECAUSE LIVIA AND WEILIN DIDN'T LIKE THE WEATHER T_T) It's also sort of my first trip overseas without any adult supervision!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I'm 19 but still!!!!!!!!! So glad I had the company of these two girls :') I don't really remember what happened on what day exactly cuz I didn't take photos everyday but the photos are in chronological order so shouldn't be a problem~ Flew Tiger Airways to GuangZhou~ Rather pleasant because we were seated next to the emergency exits!!! MOAR LEG ROOM WOOHOOO!!! Anyway arrived at Bai Yun Airport and spent 230+ RMB on cab fare to Guang Zhou South Train Station to catch our train to Wuhan~ The weather was lovely cold~ Finally reached our dorm!!!!!!!! :D Felt good to be back man. No need for aircon at all cuz...