I don't know how this blog is still alive I check in like once a year, cringe like mad reading all my old (and now private) posts. Can't bear to delete this because of all the good memories man. Erm perhaps my resolution for 2018 will be to start blogging again. A lot did happen this year. :-) and 2016 which I did not blog about so here's a summary using 2017bestnine (also works for 2016) Best of 2016 Went to Bangkok with NH Council mates, went to Busan with Livia, went to Bali with my family, discovered WDB Pocha, started a new job which lets me work from home. 2017: Started cooking more seriously (top dish of the year was cubanos from Chef thank you Binging With Babish), ate my weight in avocados and eggs and bread, got on then off dating apps, got back into filming and editing, started on my HPV vaccination (do it before you turn 26) went to Bangkok (but not free & easy) and I went to Germany and touched Europe soil for the first time ever (!!!) for a...