Korea 2014 Part 1: Busan

I really should blog about Wuhan first. But I feel like my memories of my recent Korea trip with my babes (seriously I can't bring myself to say friends or girls THEY MUST BE CALLED BABES) are fading away?!?!??!?! Dafuq. And also because almost everyone is overseas it makes me want to join them. Right now I have my Facebook album, Livia's and Weilin's instagram on my tabs to help me piece the trip together. It's my 6th (WTF 6???? 6???????? WOW! TIME FLIES) overseas trip with Livia and Weilin and 3rd with Yanhong (she was damn happz in Hawaii so she couldn't join us)!!! And my second time to Korea!!! It was a rather short trip but we visited both Busan and Seoul! Basically our route was AirAsia one way to Busan, KTX up to Seoul, then flew AirAsia (one-way) back. I don't remember how much were the tickets exactly, but I spent less than or sliiiightly above S$200 for each ticket. YAY budget airline promotions! Breakdown of my expenses for future reference. The...