Batam Trip!!!

Two to three months ago we decided we were holiday-deprived (even after Phuket) so we decided to go to Batam for a short 2D1N getaway before uni starts! This was a month after Phuket I think. I have been to Batam many times but I always stay/sleep at my uncle's house or visit the same malls so this trip was kinda fun!!! I see Batam from a different perspective. IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS SINCE THE BATAM TRIP. Time flies. Genevieve and Rachel didn't join us because they together in Singapore don't know doing what la hor HAHA ok inside joke they're supposed to be married but they're divorced but they're always talking about the past. Please forgive all the really cute photos. I have forsaken my digital camera and my dslr. LOOK AT US ALL FRESH AND YOUNG 2 MONTHS AGO!!! After touring Batam for a bit and visiting some factory outlets (SUPER DRY!!!!!!!!!!!) we had a seafood lunch. I am guessing it's all Groupon standard stuff~ ...